Neyland Yacht Club

Neyland Yacht Club

The Promenade, Neyland, Pembrokeshire, SA73 1PX
01646 600267

Racing statistics for Gavin Sims †

Sailing club Neyland Yacht Club
Sail number
Total races started 54
Total races finished 54
Total races started in 2020 4
Total races finished in 2020 4
Total races started in 2021 16
Total races finished in 2021 16
Total races started in 2022 19
Total races finished in 2022 19
Total races started in 2023 13
Total races finished in 2023 13
Total races started in 2024 2
Total races finished in 2024 2
Races won 31
Seconds 4
Thirds 9
Series wins and cups 3
Series seconds 1
Series thirds 1
Average points for races 2.074
Average points for races in 2020 2.25
Average points for races in 2021 1.625
Average points for races in 2022 1.368
Average points for races in 2023 3.154
Average points for races in 2024 5
Average points for last 10 races 3.2

Series and cup race placings ‡

Spring Dinghy Series Div 2 2021 1st
Summer Dinghy Series Div 2 2021 1st
Dinghy Summer Series Div 2 2022 1st
Autumn Dinghy Regatta Div 1 2023
Dinghy May Regatta - Long Distance Races Div 1 2023 2nd

Cups won

Graph of latest results *

Graph of latest racing results

Graph of yearly points averages **

Graph of points averages

Graph of number of top three positions (3rd, 2nd, 1st respectively)

Graph of top three positions
  • † Race results are for the 2016 season onwards.
  • ‡ Series results include unfinished series.
  • * Latest results on the right.
  • ** Number of races in brackets.
web site and racing results software by island webservices